Test Database

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Most of the application we build involve a database of some kind. How you handle this in your testing depends largely on how you access your data. In this application, we are using SQLite. This means we can very easily create a special instance of our database for testing purposes.
If you're using another database like Postgres then you can likely follow a similar approach to what we're going to do. If you're accessing all your data from APIs then you'll likely spend a lot more time mocking things out using MSW.


We've already discussed the importance of isolation, but at this level of testing, things are a little different. In our end-to-end tests, we decided to run our tests on the same database as our development server. This comes with a number of nice benefits, but it also means we need to make sure we delete any data we create to avoid polluting our development database with tons of test data.
When we're using SQLite and at this level of testing though, it's actually a bit easier because we can spin up and down a SQLite database pretty quickly. The biggest trick is making sure we run the migrations on the database, but what we can do is make a "template" empty database file where all the migrations and key seed data have already been applied and then make a copy of that file for each test.
You may be wondering why we don't just use an in-memory database with sqlite. Unfortunately, Prisma does not support that feature 😒 But that's actually ok because often you have migrations and seed data you want in the database anyway, so what we're going to do will be better in some cases.
With this in place, you may think we don't really need to worry as much about removing old data because the file will get deleted when the test is done anyway. However, it's still important to keep things clean between tests because there are some situations where it may be worthwhile to run all our tests in the same process (and therefore on the same database), and individual test files can have multiple tests in them, all of which will hit the same database.
So while it may seem like test isolation isn't as much of a concern at this level, it definitely still is. However it is quite a bit easier since we start from a clean slate, we can just delete all the data in the database after each test. No need to manually track the data we create.


One important aspect of setting up a test database is you need to make sure your environment is setup before your tests run. In Vitest, you do this using the globalSetup configuration. We also often need to have something run before/after each/all test which we'll do in the setupFiles configuration we have already.
Most of the time, the connection string is controlled by an environment variable. So that's one of the concerns we'll be working with a fair bit in this exercise.

Module import gotcha

Often our database utilities initialize themselves as soon as they're imported. This is why it's important to run our setup before running the tests. But it will definitely be something you'll need to worry about in this exercise, so I want to call out that in JavaScript import order matters. It doesn't always make a difference, but the order in which you import things will affect the order modules are evaluated. This is why we typically make our modules pure.
However, in the case of database connections it's just easier to initialize things at import time so you'll want to be aware of that in this exercise. Just remember:
import { one } from 'module-one'
import { two } from 'module-two'
Is different from:
import { two } from 'module-two'
import { one } from 'module-one'
And if you need to evaluate some code before a module is evaluated you have two options:
import { one } from 'module-one'

console.log('do stuff')

const { two } = await import('module-two')
Or put the stuff you need to do in another module and import it earlier:
import { one } from 'module-one'
import './do-stuff'
import { two } from 'module-two'
We'll be doing a bit of both in this exercise.